miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Exposición Black Vanity en Japan Weekend Madrid

El 8 y 9 de octubre es el Japan Weekend en Madrid, donde Rosa Moliné "Edea" va a exponer una veintena de fotografías donde prima el lado oscuro y gótico de las Blythe, también estaremos por allí mimundoblythe, que llevará algunos de sus broches, haruka y yo, con algunas customs especiales que prepararemos para la ocasión, y el domingo por la mañana tenemos intención de hacer un pequeño tallercito custom, os lo pongo por aquí por si queréis pasaros!

Más info en la página del Japan Weekend Madrid!

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011


I can't believe that I haven't still introduced Carmilla, she is my second vampire and one of the most pampered girls in my dollhouse (I know, I always say this...), but I love vampires so I had to love her... She is a rescued girl and, at first, she was a commission for a friend, but I had to convince him to let me keep her because I fell in love with her! The base doll was a badly damaged Factory Girl, and I reconstructed her face and made her make up with pastels, acrylic paint and colourwater pencils. One pair of eyechips is a full moon and a crescent moon, and in her lids she has a bloodstained white rose. Over her eyes she wears red crystals, and I gave her a Natasha Moore scalp. She has horrible and huge vampire ears! And... the most terrible... also a Licca body!


Safe Creative #1109230117881

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011


Triki is a custom commision for a very special friend, the sweet Queena Gonzalez, you can see her blog here:


She sent her Simply Sparkly Spark to my spa and gave me total freedom to custom her, she suggested that Triki could have teeth, so I made her a charming vampire and, so she doesn't lose her essence, I painted in her lids a tiny Cookie Monster and a Count Draco. Although I love all the vampires I have already custom, Triki is very special to me because she has led me more work and she was enjoying a lot with her cousins, I'm sure that she didn't want to leave my dollhouse! And because I love her mum lots!!!!! 

Safe Creative #1109190092532