miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Ophelia is my red queen. She was my third Kenner, I rescued her from ebay and she arrived home in poor condition, her make up was a bit damaged and her hair was a huge mess:

I partially restored her make up (she still needs some blush!) and gave her a new scalp which was in better condition than her original's, I made her a hair transplant to fill the missing plugs that this new scalp had, and she really looked much prettier:

I styled her hair and she looked even better:

She was a really lovely girl and soon she had a new blonde sister, so they became four, my four beloved Kenner girls!

But one day I had the oportunity to find a scalp much more similar to her original one on BK, so (after styling it) she could go back to her original look!

And this is Ophelia' story, she still needs some blush, I hope finding time soon to make it possible! Mmmm... I also think that maybe a redhead sidepart would be a great add to my Kenner family... some day!

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014