martes, 30 de agosto de 2011


Martázul is a custom Blythe which I made specially to swap with a lovely girl and a sweet customizer, Claudinacavaco, when I finished her, I thought that she was the most beautiful custom I had made to the date, and she is still one of my faves...

Safe Creative #1108309956215

5 comentarios:

  1. preciosa,me encanta ese color de pelo!!!

  2. She's what you have done with her eyes. Are they little crystals on her eyelashes? You are very clever!

  3. Not really, the lashes had little crystals, but I removed them and painted the mark, then gave it volume with Modpodge and it resulted little lumps... She has much more in her lids, I'm adding another picture for you to see it!

  4. Gracias, Blanca! Es un scalp de Peppermint teñido, quedó como el de la PAM, pero más clarito... Quiero hacerme otra así para mí! :)

  5. Gracias, Ika! No te imaginas lo que me costó dejarla ir... pero mereció la pena! :)
